Welcome to Putnam Academy
Welcome to the Putnam Academy of Arts and Sciences website. A tuition-free, public charter school, we educate approximately 200 middle school (6th–8th grade) students who are enthusiastic about learning. One visit to our campus and you’ll see that learning can be a lot of fun.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are happy to provide you with information about our school and the excellent programs and services we offer.
A Message from Our Principal
Dear Families,
Welcome to our website! We are proud to present this communication vehicle where you can keep up-to-date and informed of all our amazing programs and activities.
We recognize the importance of involving parents in the educational process. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in school, their children are absent less often, behave better, and, therefore, achieve more. Please visit our office, and find out how you can get involved in our PTSO. Welcome!
Curtis Ellis
Curtis Ellis, Principal